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Try to understand it, criticize it and refine it. Let's learn together.

Starts with curiosity - desire to know. make the world predictable. the process of turning chaos in order. order drives from understanding and brings predictability.

Babies has this pure form of curiosity when they are learning and trying to make sense of the world.

Script handed by the society: friends, family, education system.

Truth translates into good explanations.

Process of cleaning or refinement of mind starts with questioning existing beliefs and replacing them with good explanations.

Being mindful of the new explanations being received.

Human mind is constantly looking to make sense of the world around us. which is the process of conjecture or creation of new explanations. In parallel to that there is analyzing process which has some measurements to test out those explanations and the ones that pass are kept and ones that fail are dropped. the testing criteria is itself an explanation or set of explanations. that testing criteria is important which is called values. values are form of beliefs but these set of beliefs are important one are used to filter new explanations and categorize them.

Self is itself a set of explanations.

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