Reddit Enhancement Suite

If anyone cares, I could probably port this to work on LW without too much trouble. Optimistically it'd just involve opening up the source and replacing with More realistically, there'd probably be a lot of baked-in assumptions about DOM structure that'd need to be updated to have the UI enhancements make sense.

Anyway, this is mostly just a straw poll to see how many others would be interested in such a thing.

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9 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 10:31 PM

Anyway, this is mostly just a straw poll to see how many others would be interested in such a thing.

Votes for/against

Upvote to vote for, downvote to vote against.

ETA: Maintain the karma balance below.


Being notified when someone comments on certain articles is something that should obviously be implemented by default. Unlike reddit, this site produces many timeless articles, and furthermore I'd like to know if new comments appear on my own articles.

It is implemented. Open an article you want to subscribe to, and use "Subscribe to RSS Feed" on the right.

I feel like your response is equivalent to, "The implemented solution is optimal for me; therefore, it should be optimal for you as well."

Huh? I understood your comment as saying "this useful feature is absent", and intended mine to simply point out that it's actually present.

Looking at the features page, only about half of the features are applicable to Less Wrong. Of those that are, most of them seem like things that we should add to Less Wrong itself rather than having them only be usable if you download an addon.

What should be added to Less Wrong, and what will be added to Less Wrong, are different things.

So what's the status on this? Are the votes sufficient or insufficient to try an implementation of RES for LessWrong?