About a year ago, we had a major discussion about procedural knowledge gaps. Here's what was covered....
How to tell whether food is fresh
pjeby claims that eating raw chicken is safe because the gag reflex identifies it fast
Memorizing the alphabet and other arbitrary lists
Comparison of various how-to sites
General discussion of making things (including Less Wrong) easier to use
Questions about preparing a simple soup.
Starting relationships, especially for heterosexual men.
How to transfer money from one electronic account to another.
Interacting with police. (Don't talk to US police! The rules are different in the UK.)
How to speak clearly, slowly, etc..
How to order at a bar. Also, some cookbook recommendations.
Personal hygiene-- washing, soap, shampoo.
Growing and maintaining long hair.
Telling the difference between flirting and friendliness.
Left vs. Right (which hand, not political).
How to end conversations politely.
Mailing large objects in the US.
How to format comments at Less Wrong.
What might melt in a dishwasher.
Does cranking up the thermostat heat the house faster?.
Potential topics:
How to give clear instructions.
How to see things from other people's point of view
Cool sidetrack: Fish and lightning
Links and quotes:
Why grad school in the humanities is a bad choice One probably could not devise a better system for keeping people with humanistic values away from power than by confining them to decade-long graduate programs with a long future of transient adjunct positions making less than the minimum wage. From Part 2. The first article is a nice example of applying the far view (look at how things are in general) to a personal decision.
This material, being an index of posts, seems like it ought to be on the wiki.
(If requested, I will take care of doing the markup conversion.)
And is a candidate for the potential sticky threads category.