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Statement: The starting point is the double-slit experiment. The slits are not the essential aspect of the experiment; rather, it is that when an electron passes through a medium or obstacle, it subsequently behaves as a wave.

Key Elements:

  1. Interaction: The wave nature of the electron arises from interactions when it passes through a medium. This interaction triggers wave behavior, regardless of whether slits are present or not.
  2. Wave Propagation: Once the electron passes through an obstacle, its wave function can continue to propagate, indicating its wave nature. This means that during the interaction, the wave nature emerges, and its probability distribution continues.
  3. Role of Slits: The slits are not crucial for the emergence of wave nature; the key factor is the interaction that allows the electron to behave as a wave.

In other words, when the electron is "very close" to the wall, it interacts with it, and the consequence of this is that it takes on a wave nature. And these waves pass through the gaps, interfering with each other.

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