This post has gotten 3? downvotes and no comments. If you downvote it, it would help me if you left a comment saying why.
I haven't downvoted it, but the post looks like a few pages of personal notes with little effort spent to make them palatable or interesting to other people. A tl;dr and some explanation why anyone should care could help.
Everyone should care because the biases that are "close to home" are ones that matter. This is an important subject.
Everyone should care
Normative versus descriptive. Saying "everyone should care" doesn't change the fact that some don't, and that for those people, a tidier presentation may help, even if it wouldn't make a difference for an ideal rationalist.
I upvoted, but the tone of this post is terse which makes it fairly difficult to understand. Some of the examples are confusing. It's not very readable for people who haven't already been exposed to these ideas, you may be assuming too much background knowledge that reading the book gave you.
I don't see this as a Gish Gallop, as it doesn't even appear to me to be an argument. It just looks like a list of biases that reductionists should take extra care to avoid. The "should" part wasn't argued, just assumed.
"Reductionists should avoid these biases" implies that reductionists have those biases to a significant degree, and that when examples are given they are examples of these biases. This post contains at least 33 separate items implying that reductionists are often biased in some particular way, plus all the specific examples that are brought up. Nobody could possibly answer them all.
Why would you "answer" them? This is not a "reductionism is bad" argument, and I would find it oddly religious if you felt the need to insist that reductionism was unique among all methodologies in not imposing a bias.
"This is not a "reductionism is bad" argument"
Conversational implicature suggests that when you give a list of 33 ways in which reductionists can be biased, you are claiming that reductionists are exceptionally biased. It is logically possible that you are merely saying they are biased like everyone else, but actual human communication doesn't work that way.
Conversational implicature suggests that when you give a list of 33 ways in which reductionists can be biased, you are claiming that reductionists are exceptionally biased.
I don't really get that feeling. But if some people do maybe it would make sense for Phil to add a clarifying remark that that's not intended.
A Gish Gallop is presenting a lot of not-very-good points and then drawing a conclusion, so that you ignore people who disagree with your conclusion if they missed any of your points. This is not drawing a conclusion, and I think the points are individually interesting.
The book I wrote about a month or two ago, Real Presences--now that was a Gish Gallop.
I was going to downvote your comment, but then I realized you gave a useful answer to a question I asked, so that would be ingrateful of me, and I will say "thanks!" instead. I guess people are interpreting this as an attack on reductionism.
(Would it make sense to say "thanks and a downvote" when you're grateful for a response that you think is wrong? That is, should the votes represent gratitude, assessment of usefulness in the larger context, or accuracy of claims made in the comment?)
A wrong response documented is worth the implicit benefit of the response being addressed in the minds of all who would object with that response's reasoning.
And I think you meant to say you read Real Presences, not wrote it. :P
Ah. "I wrote about a month ago" = "I a month ago", not "I wrote ".
A wrong response is worth something, but I wouldn't want to vote it up, since that would be read as agreement.
I think an upvote suggests agreement with the content rather than gratefulness for it. If someone has a wrong opinion, but people are interested in why, and he explains it, and they all upvote it out of gratitude, he might interpret that as agreement.
If a downvote implies something other than the opposite of what an upvote implies, it becomes difficult to interpret votes.
Is it worth reading if we liked these notes? Does he elaborate much on specifics about these ideas? Or do these notes sum up everything fairly thoroughly?
[Systems with hysteresis cannot be made sense of with a timeless black-box analysis.]
Is this actually true, though? I'm inclined to think that your black-box analysis was badly done if it can't account for hysteresis. Time is only relevant to the system insofar as time describes the rate at which various parts of the system do things, which makes it seem like it's something that can be accounted for in indirect terms. Using indirect terms might be less efficient, but I don't see any reason to believe it's impossible.
I disagree that black box thinking is something we should strive to avoid. It seems too useful to me, and rather unavoidable anyways. Of course any particular black box model may be an oversimplification, but models that don't try to aim themselves at simplicity are going to fail due to Occam's Razor. (Also, in what sense is black box thinking a reductionist bias? It seems like the quintessential holistic bias to me.)
Is this actually true, though? I'm inclined to think that your black-box analysis was badly done if it can't account for hysteresis.
If the system's state is a function of its environment and of its past, because some internal component of the system is "remembering" the past, then a timeless input/output analysis can't predict the system's output from its input.
I disagree that black box thinking is something we should strive to avoid.
I didn't say it was. Nor did the author. Every approach has biases.
As to whether the article is worthwhile--well, it's hard to get a hold of, and most of it is focused on questions of evolutionary theory. If it interests you, you'd probably find it easier and more useful to get the book. You can sample it thru the link in the post.
What does "reductionism" mean here? "using models"?
The title is very strange, because it seems to be suggest that the biases are as compared to some other paradigm, but the criticisms are all internal, that the models are too simple.
A bias is relative to reality. The function f(x)+epsilon is an accurate but biased estimator of f(x).
Interface Determinism: Assuming that all that counts in analyzing the nature and behavior of a system is what comes or goes across the system-environment interface.
While this is somewhat different from what I take the author to mean, this reminded me of the two possible mental models of the self-environment relationship that Kevin Simler pictures under the "inhabitance" heading of Ethology and Personal Identity.
Fitness treated as a property of phenotype (or even of genes) rather than as a property of phenotype and environment.
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean that there are conditions under which being sexually attracted to members of the same sex is evolutionarily advantageous?
Or do you mean that the genetic trait that manifests as homosexuality, manifests as another, advantageous, trait under some circumstances? If so, this seems like a version of Darreact's "imprinting" theory.
This is something to keep in mind while constructing your world-eating inductive agents, folks.
I read an extract of (Wimsatt 1980) [1] which includes a list of common biases in reductionist research. I suppose most of us are reductionists most of the time, so these may be worth looking at.
This is not an attack on reductionism! If you think reductionism is too sacred for such treatment, you've got a bigger problem than anything on this list.
Here's Wimsatt's list, with some additions from the parts of his 2007 book Re-engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings that I can see on Google books. His lists often lack specific examples, so I came up with my own examples and inserted them in [brackets].
[1]. William Wimsatt (1980). Reductionist research strategies and their biases in the units of selection controversy. In T. Nickles, ed., Scientific Discovery: Case Studies, Dordrecht: Reidel, p. 213-259.
[2]. R. Levins (1966). The strategy of model building in population biology. American Scientist, 54:421-431.
[3]. Rudolf Raff (1996). The Shape of Life: Genes, Development, and the Evolution of Animal Form. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
[4]. They let you use multiple GO tags, and put multiple names within a protein's name field if separated by slashes, but these are not adequate solutions.