I think almost all of these are things that I'd only think after I'd already noticed confusion, and most are things I'd never say in my head anyway. A little way into the list I thought "Wait, did he just ask ChatGPT for different ways to say "I'm confused"?".
I expect there are things that pop up in my inner monologue when I'm confused about something, that I wouldn't notice, and it would be very useful to have a list of such phrases, but your list contains ~none of them.
Edit: Actually the last three are reasonable. Are they human written?
Correct guess. They were mostly generated by ChatGPT. I initially bet that it wouldn't give outputs that had any value. My prompt of "read everything I have already written then make a list based on it" I thought would be too vague. So when it generated phrases that seemed passable I think my System 1 kicked in and said "yep, they sure do sound confused.". and I was happy to have a big long list, instead of just a few quality points.
And second guess also correct. The last 4 I generated myself. Looking back now I agree that it is certainly easy to tell.
My main hope was for others to comment their own C-Phrases, which is why I think I let this slip. Though I'm not proud and must say Oop. Thank you for your quality comment that lead me to this conclusion.
I'm going to remedy this by generating as quality as I can list of my own thoughts and editing them into the post.
Why I Wrote this list
I just finished reading Sun Set at Noon by Raemon. One thing I took from it is that when you are confused you may not notice because "I Feel Confused" isn't the phrase that is said inside of your head. Instead you may say something like "huh, weird." which can be overlooked by any programs running "Notice_Confusion.bat". I call these "Confusion Phrases" (C-Phrases).
Here I give an incomplete list of C-Phrases. Things you may say in your head subconsciously or consciously that if noticed could run "Notice_Confusion.bat".
I have used the GPT3.5 API in helping generate some of these.The first phrase in this list is generated by GPT3.5. The rest are my own. Thank you to Robert Miles for pointing out the poor quality of the initial post. I hope that I've done justice to your feedback.List of Phrases
Exercise: How many of your own C-Phrases can you list in the comments?
So What?
I propose learning these, or at least some that you believe are applicable to yourself. Then practicing TAPs such as "When I internally say (X) I will run (Notice_Confusion)"
Alternatively, I suspect these may be better learnt as little songs/rhymes that your brain can auto completes when it hears. If you're anything like me, when I say "Somebody once told me" Your brain autocompletes the next line.
Note Taking Trick
If you use a note taking system that links like a personal WIKI (I use Obsidian) You could add your own phrases as aliases that the note "I feel confused" can connect to. That way if you ever write them in your system you have an automatic helper telling you you are confused.
Further Questions to Get You Thinking
How useful do you think this is? Do you believe learning your Confusion Phrases will lead to you skipping over them more in your thinking? Will these just clog you up with more to learn? Would adding these to index/study cards be a useful practice? If you are surprised you believed something wrong that you now no longer believe. Can you pull any C-Phrases out of this? What did you say internally before you were surprised?