It worth to note one more thing - I'm not really skilled Bayesian and rationalist, but I do my best and I'm currently studying. So far I've finished HPMOR, An Abridged Introduction to Less Wrong and now I'm working on core sequences. There I've just finished Map and Territory.
Discussion article for the meetup : Czech's first Meetup Prague
WHEN: 26 September 2014 07:30:00PM (+0200)
WHERE: Václavské náměstí 778/14, Praha 110 00
Hello, this is going to be first meetup I know about in Czech Republic, specially in Prague. Since I don't know any other rationalists here, I'll be waiting in Dobrá Čajovna s.r.o. (tearoom) for at least one hour. Look for young, tall, skinny, brown curly haired guy.
Please contact me if you are interested in a meeting, but the time just doesn't fit you - it will be at least some sign that someone is interested.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
I decided to try to make a meetup from time to time to see if someone will ever show up. It's a pity (and shame) that there are no meetups here.
Discussion article for the meetup : Czech's first Meetup Prague