Discussion article for the meetup : Rationality Meetup Vienna

WHEN: 22 November 2014 03:00:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Kaisermühlenstraße 24/2, 1220 Wien

agenda: - maybe go on with the goal setting and planning for the future - It's time for another open mic session - so please think about 30 minutes topics to offer :)

location: When arriving by U2 or Schnellbahn train: get out at station Stadlau take the exit towards Kaisermühlenstraße and simply cross the street the meetup is in the modern looking, greenish building right in front of your nose :) Important: Google maps doesn't recognise the address and hence shows the wrong location... !Important Notice! Since our usual room on the ground floor has already been booked by someone else, we will have our meetup in the room on the fourth floor (the same room we moved to last time after complications arose).

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Here is the link for the FB-event - for any further information:


(Might be that you first need to become member or "Rationality Vienna" to see it)