Suppose you have a system X that's equally likely to be in any of 8 possible states:
{X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8.}
There's an extraordinarily ubiquitous quantity—in physics, mathematics, and even biology—called entropy; and the entropy of X is 3 bits. This means that, on average, we'll have to ask 3 yes-or-no questions to find out X's value. For example, someone could tell us X's value using this code:
X1: 001 X2: 010 X3: 011 X4: 100 X5: 101 X6: 110 X7: 111 X8: 000
So if I asked "Is the first symbol 1?" and heard "yes", then asked "Is the second symbol 1?" and heard "no", then asked "Is the third symbol 1?" and heard "no", I would know that X was in state 4.
Now suppose that the system Y has four possible states with the following probabilities:
Y1: 1/2 (50%) Y2: 1/4 (25%) Y3: 1/8 (12.5%) Y4: 1/8 (12.5%)
Then the entropy of Y would be 1.75 bits, meaning that we can find out its value by asking 1.75 yes-or-no questions.
What does it mean to talk about asking one and three-fourths of a question? Imagine that we designate the states of Y using the following code:
Y1: 1 Y2: 01 Y3: 001 Y4: 000
First you ask, "Is the first symbol 1?" If the answer is "yes", you're done: Y is in state 1. This happens half the time, so 50% of the time, it takes 1 yes-or-no question to find out Y's state.
Suppose that instead the answer is "No". Then you ask, "Is the second symbol 1?" If the answer is "yes", you're done: Y is in state 2. Y is in state 2 with probability 1/4, and each time Y is in state 2 we discover this fact using two yes-or-no questions, so 25% of the time it takes 2 questions to discover Y's state.
If the answer is "No" twice in a row, you ask "Is the third symbol 1?" If "yes", you're done and Y is in state 3; if "no", you're done and Y is in state 4. The 1/8 of the time that Y is in state 3, it takes three questions; and the 1/8 of the time that Y is in state 4, it takes three questions.
(1/2 * 1) + (1/4 * 2) + (1/8 * 3) + (1/8 * 3)
= 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.375 + 0.375
= 1.75.
The general formula for the entropy of a system S is the sum, over all Si, of -p(Si)*log2(p(Si)).
For example, the log (base 2) of 1/8 is -3. So -(1/8 * -3) = 0.375 is the contribution of state S4 to the total entropy: 1/8 of the time, we have to ask 3 questions.
You can't always devise a perfect code for a system, but if you have to tell someone the state of arbitrarily many copies of S in a single message, you can get arbitrarily close to a perfect code. (Google "arithmetic coding" for a simple method.)
Now, you might ask: "Why not use the code 10 for Y4, instead of 000? Wouldn't that let us transmit messages more quickly?"
But if you use the code 10 for Y4 , then when someone answers "Yes" to the question "Is the first symbol 1?", you won't know yet whether the system state is Y1 (1) or Y4 (10). In fact, if you change the code this way, the whole system falls apart—because if you hear "1001", you don't know if it means "Y4, followed by Y2" or "Y1, followed by Y3."
The moral is that short words are a conserved resource.
The key to creating a good code—a code that transmits messages as compactly as possible—is to reserve short words for things that you'll need to say frequently, and use longer words for things that you won't need to say as often.
When you take this art to its limit, the length of the message you need to describe something, corresponds exactly or almost exactly to its probability. This is the Minimum Description Length or Minimum Message Length formalization of Occam's Razor.
And so even the labels that we use for words are not quite arbitrary. The sounds that we attach to our concepts can be better or worse, wiser or more foolish. Even apart from considerations of common usage!
I say all this, because the idea that "You can X any way you like" is a huge obstacle to learning how to X wisely. "It's a free country; I have a right to my own opinion" obstructs the art of finding truth. "I can define a word any way I like" obstructs the art of carving reality at its joints. And even the sensible-sounding "The labels we attach to words are arbitrary" obstructs awareness of compactness. Prosody too, for that matter—Tolkien once observed what a beautiful sound the phrase "cellar door" makes; that is the kind of awareness it takes to use language like Tolkien.
The length of words also plays a nontrivial role in the cognitive science of language:
Consider the phrases "recliner", "chair", and "furniture". Recliner is a more specific category than chair; furniture is a more general category than chair. But the vast majority of chairs have a common use—you use the same sort of motor actions to sit down in them, and you sit down in them for the same sort of purpose (to take your weight off your feet while you eat, or read, or type, or rest). Recliners do not depart from this theme. "Furniture", on the other hand, includes things like beds and tables which have different uses, and call up different motor functions, from chairs.
In the terminology of cognitive psychology, "chair" is a basic-level category.
People have a tendency to talk, and presumably think, at the basic level of categorization—to draw the boundary around "chairs", rather than around the more specific category "recliner", or the more general category "furniture". People are more likely to say "You can sit in that chair" than "You can sit in that recliner" or "You can sit in that furniture".
And it is no coincidence that the word for "chair" contains fewer syllables than either "recliner" or "furniture". Basic-level categories, in general, tend to have short names; and nouns with short names tend to refer to basic-level categories. Not a perfect rule, of course, but a definite tendency. Frequent use goes along with short words; short words go along with frequent use.
Or as Douglas Hofstadter put it, there's a reason why the English language uses "the" to mean "the" and "antidisestablishmentarianism" to mean "antidisestablishmentarianism" instead of antidisestablishmentarianism other way around.
sorry to butt in, but he's written so much good stuff, i have to imagine he's happy whenever anyone else can expound on a point.
now, the binary search algorithm has to have a way to order the things it is searching through in order to work, and in the article Eliezer was just using the numbers as symbols for what state a system could be in (in other words, we are mentally imputing the ordering of the symbols because of our familiar concept of numbers), but i know what you were getting at, and yes, there is an intimate connection between entropy and binary search.
one of the ways to think about how much "information" or "entropy" (the two words do not really mean the same thing, but they both get used from so many different angles that no one can keep them straight - see John von Neumann's infamous quotation about why Claude Shannon ought to name the ubiquitous formula "entropy") - anyway one of the ways to think about how much information is in something, is to ask how many yes/no questions you have to ask to fully specify it. you might even notice Eliezer going through that process in the text of the article, e.g. "and we learned this with a total of 4 questions." the number of yes/no questions is the number of bits of information/entropy. in other words a bit of information is what allows you to distinguish in a choice between 2 alternatives, or, if you have a whole lot of alternatives, a bit of information is what allows you to eliminate half of them from consideration.
when you perform a binary search, you are basically doing the same thing, asking a series of yes/no questions, but with a special case of question - remember to use the binary search algorithm your input has to be ordered. so you are asking a series of questions: "is it in this half or in that half?", the "halves" being decided by the middle value in the ordering, and of course each time you eliminate half of the choices from consideration.
so your intuition was correct, it is no coincidence that a binary search would also terminate in 3 steps.
michael redman champaign, il, usa