Discussion article for the meetup : April Rationality Discussion: Life planning vs. the coming technology explosion.

WHEN: 05 April 2015 04:30:00PM (+1100)

WHERE: Ross House Association, 247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

WHEN: Sunday, 5th April 2015, 3:30pm - 7:00pm WHERE: Ross House Association, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000

Level 3, Jenny Florence Room, Ross House Association. Please contact Kathy Forth for access to the room.

The Less Wrong Sunday Rationality Dojos are crafted to be serious self-improvement sessions for those committed to the Art of Rationality and personal growth. Each month a community member will run a session involving a presentation of content, discussion, and exercises.

This month a discussion will be led by Kathy. Considering the massive amount of technological disruption coming our way, what will the future be like and how can we plan for it? Let's make testable predictions, avoid problems like normalcy bias and planning fallacy, and fire up some goal re-factoring.

As always, we will review the personal goals we committed to at the previous Dojo (I will have done X by the next Dojo). Our goals are now being recorded via Google Forms here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MCHH4MpbW0SI_2JyMSDlKnnGP4A0qxojQEZoMZIdopk/viewform, and Melbourne Less Wrong organisers have access to the form results if you wish to review the goals you set last month.

As ever, we are also seeking 2-3 lightning talks from members. Have you learned something cool? Gained an insight from one of the Less Wrong sequences? Give a lightning talk and share it with Melbourne LW! Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes with room for questions. If you have something you would like to present a lightning talk on, please contact Louise with your topic at lvalmoria@gmail.com

The Dojo is likely to run for 2-3 hours, after which some members will get dinner together.

Discussion article for the meetup : April Rationality Discussion: Life planning vs. the coming technology explosion.

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Sounds interesting - would love a writeup of any solid conclusions.

I wonder if any of the meetups set up a broadcast via Skype or a webinar of some sorts - I would be very curious to listen in on this one, if there is such an opportunity.