[Update: lesswrong.com is now running as its own container and you should be able to use either URL again. There are some remaining tasks to be done that might result in small snags]

[Update 2: You can log in via google, facebook or github on lesswrong.com now, but be aware this will create a new user, not allow you to log into your old user account]

Today, we're doing a final bit of migration from lesserwrong.com to lesswrong.com. (Currently, lesswrong.com works to access the site, but is not actually the primary domain. This results in a few issues, including our Google and Github logins not working properly)

So today at 3pm, I'll be doing the last steps of the migration, and during a 10 minute window, you will not be able to use lesswrong.com, but will be able to continue using lesserwrong.com.

Afterwards, all lesserwrong.com links will redirect to lesswrong.com, and hopefully you will be able to log in via Google, Github, and Facebook without issue.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

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This is now happening.

Update: lesswrong.com is now running as it's own container and you should be able to use either URL again. There are some remaining tasks to be done that might result in small snags.

"You can log in via google, facebook or github on lesswrong.com now, but be aware this will create a new user, not allow you to log into your old user account" - Are you planning to add a way to attach this to your current account?

Most likely, but this is a fair bit of work and will probably be a while.