I set a really low bar for my meditation practice.
What got me to actually meditate consistently after years of attempts was to set a goal of 1 minute a day. I told myself "If I'm having fun, I can keep going." Now I do an hour consistently.
Be careful of two things. Those flushable wipes probably shouldn’t be flushed and eating that many carrots will eventually turn your skin orange.
A technique developed by Leverage Research to change one's beliefs to be more coherent.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0yy562hg03lrb5/How%20to%20Belief%20Report%20-%200.1%20by%20Leverage%20Research.pdf?dl=0 is a PDF about it. I'm not sure if it gets you the idea fully but you could try learning it from it.
Are nasal strips useful for something other than preventing snoring? I already use earplugs, and I'm always on the lookout for more improvements to sleep quality.
How long did it take you to adapt to the CPAP? I have mild sleep apnea and tried to use a CPAP for a bit, but I absolutely could not sleep with the mask on.
Depending on the cause of sleep apnea, a removable wire in mouth may help. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions; I got sleep apnea from being fat and having a narrow throat, and this helps. I like that it's purely mechanical, no electric power needed.
I made this comment about Raemon's habit update. Here is my own habit update.
Thanks for sharing your habits.
I too was persuaded by The Checklist Manifesto. I made an evening checklist which had a major focus on setting up my environment for leaving for work on the next day. In the last few months I have used it rarely because I work exclusively from home now and I systemized most of the things that I still want to do every day.
What kinds of items do you have on your laundry checklist?
I used to print my evening my evening checklist as a table on physical paper and check items off with a pencil. How do you handle your checklists practically?
You're welcome :] My laundry list is:
I keep them in my phone or sticky noted to the wall.
I'm just proud and I want to share. I've read Do Life Hacks Ever Reach Fixation and Other Optimizing, but maybe a couple of these will end up helping someone.