An idea I had while talking to Xio Kikauka and Joey Savoie is to run a jobs board for people interested in effective altruism.  It seems like it actually would be relatively easy to have a script automatically monitor various job pages and synthesize them all into one area that looks nice.

Would this be useful to create? And if so, where should we get jobs from?

Some potential ideas:


[Added 19 Aug --


I'd be willing to make this happen if people were interested.


(Also cross-posted on my blog.)

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Probably would be interest in this if it were created. There just needs to be a critical mass of jobs posted on there to get people started using it. Then usage will snowball.

Once an EA jobs board/wiki is created, email the organizations listed above, asking them to put their job ads on there (in addition to on their own sites)--or at least links to the full ads.

Sounds like a perfect project for .impact!


And, yes, I'm interested. :)

Thanks! As you probably know, we're working on it through .impact right now.

I do not understand why no one is interested.

My current effective altruism strategy is:

  • Make a lot of money
  • Give it away

Pretty straightforward, but it means I don't need to have a job specifically related to effective altruism.

The question might be if you're more useful by making money and giving that away, or by working directly with the cause or meta-cause you support. I think for me it's the former.