WHERE:2706 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd., Durham NC 27707
Let's meet at Guglhupf for coffee, breakfast, and discussion of HPMoR 39-43. Actually Doing the Reading is suggested, but not a requirement. Having read up to this point is also optional -- we're happy to summarize past chapters. You may be able to identify us by a 1150-page stack of spiral bound volumes on our table!
Discussion article for the meetup : RTLW HPMoR discussion, chapters 39-43
WHEN: 23 February 2013 11:00:00AM (-0500)
WHERE: 2706 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd., Durham NC 27707
Let's meet at Guglhupf for coffee, breakfast, and discussion of HPMoR 39-43. Actually Doing the Reading is suggested, but not a requirement. Having read up to this point is also optional -- we're happy to summarize past chapters. You may be able to identify us by a 1150-page stack of spiral bound volumes on our table!
Discussion article for the meetup : RTLW HPMoR discussion, chapters 39-43