Discussion article for the meetup : Denver Area Meetup 2

WHEN: 13 November 2014 06:00:00PM (-0700)

WHERE: 960 S Colorado Blvd Glendale, CO 80246

The last location we tried had a comedy show going on, which meant talking outside in the mild cold. I'm hoping that this location has a starbucks that we can hang out in, but if not I'm sure there will be some alcove of chairs for some quiet chat. As usual, time and location is amenable to adjustment. Please rsvp in the comments. I'll figure out some signal so that we can easily find each other in the next few days and post it in the comments.

Discussion article for the meetup : Denver Area Meetup 2

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I'll try to be there.

I'd love it if you could attend. The time is flexible if your schedule needs a little wiggle room.

There is a Starbucks, and last time I was there it had lots of chairs. :) I plan on bringing a large wizard's hat for ease of recognition.

A wizard hat will also basically guarantee conversation from passersby! Good call!

I'm sorry I missed this and hope it went well. Work has been chaotic lately, but I absolutely support a LW presence in Denver. I've tried once before to get a similar group off the ground, and would be happy to help this one along with presentations, planning, rationalist game nights, whatever.

Alas, this one is a bust. Dazbog closes at 6:30! I'll schedule another soon, promise

Venue change. Dazbog coffee up the street near alameda. Sorry for no notice. Some school function as Barnes and noble has rendered it uninhabitable.

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