Are there any modern competitors to metamed? Have a health issue, very willing to spend money to fix it.
For those that don't know it exists, r/slavelabour (not literal slave labour) is a great place to outsource things (
I've gotten a virtual assistant through it that has saved me massive amounts of time and sanity (at around 5$ per hour at start and 7$ per hour now with base rate of 5$ per week)
I've also gotten scripts made and a translation to Japanese done for my friends thesis
Bountied rationality ( also exists but is much more expensive since less efficient market with...
Do any of you have systems you've used to test out which diet you find best for yourself?
I'm also curious: how did you manage confounders such as life changes/sleep and other things
For people that have read Ray Dalio's Principles: how did you apply the book to reality?
Specifically, how did you write out principles and actually check and iterate on them over time?
I have some music I really like but I don't want to over listen to them for fear of enjoying them less. Does anyone know research on how to min/max listening vs. long-term novelty?
Does anyone have experience doing rationality adjacent hackathons? I’m thinking of hosting one in the Berkeley area aimed at trying to make cool rationality tools. I’m interested on input for what kinds of an event people would want or if people have relevant experience and suggestions!
I'm 65% moving back to us in a month or two but haven't lived there in like 5 years so am not sure what to expect nor where I'd like to go.
I'm mainly optimizing for friend-making/having/meeting (IRL) though I'm not sure how much I care about that since I haven't had much chance to do that for the last few years. though also trees and stuff are nice too
I'm not really sure how to choose between cities in terms of satisfying this. vaguely seems like SF would be cool and have many cool people that would be nice to meet but is also expensive
Any recommendations on figuring out where to stay?
How important are real social networks? I'm debating on moving back to the US from Japan pro's and cons being:
-university is easy
-is cheap
-have nice apartment and setup
-corona situation is way better than in the US
-health care is cheap and good
-very few friends (can probably change this next semester. can maybe change it this semester if I make a real effort to go to meetups. But will be hard, since is hard in general here to make friends and I'm not currently studying towards native level Japanese)
-can probably make many friend...
I've put off making a post on it for a while but something I've wanted to offer to anyone interested is free teaching to learn SuperMemo and incremental reading.
A big part of why I put it off is that it's a pain to explain. Instead of explaining it, I'll give a top level overview and a link to a video that explains it in more detail.
tl;dr: with SuperMemo/incremental reading, you can manage reading hundreds of articles in parallel (incrementally) without going insane, with long-term retention using spaced repetition. It's a lot of fun, seriously...
Does anyone have an actual example of applying Bayes theorem in real life? Never bothered learning it because its actual application has never been clear to me
I think it'd be cool if there was a way to browse projects/side-projects rat adjacent people are working on. It'd be nice to see what kinds of things people are interested but it'd likely lower the barrier to finding interesting things to work on with other people.
I'm curious if such a thing already exists or if anyone would actually possibly use it if it did exist
Is anyone interested in being accountability partner for unscrewing sleep?
In the past, I've used a system: which worked pretty well for unscrewing my sleep a few months ago.
It's pretty simple: when I screw up my sleep and commit to fixing it the next day with willpower, that fails.
When I fix what screwed my sleep that night, something new comes to screw my sleep. So you basically have to go down a list of things that break your sleep and fix A...
I'm looking for people to pair program with with me and my friend on a SuperMemo clone (software that Anki is based on). It has a feature called incremental reading that we'd like to create a modern implementation of.
Neither of us have a ton of programming experience; we're making ok progress but would do much better with pairing with someone more experienced than us.
I can pay around 30$/hr but can't do much better than that unfortunately.
How long should I wait from cold inception to travel (back home)? I have 2 things I'm optimizing for:
a. apparently traveling with sinus issues on a plane is exceptionally painful
b. I don't want to infect other people
I don't have a good model of how quick I should expect to recover/when I'm reasonably non-infectious.
What are good fictions for an inaction bias? When I have an idea or thing I want to work on, I tend to think too much about outcomes and even if it does seem like there's a decent chance of success, I don't even try because I then know how daunting the thing will be.
Does anyone know a good explanation of dopamine/psychological arousal? Recently made the connection that me craving novelty/wanting high psychological arousal levels reduces focus/leads to overthinking and difficulty actually doing normal work that I'd normally enjoy doing. I'd like a better model of my brain with this in mind that I can work around.
In case anyone is interested, Piotr Wozniak, the man that invented spaced repetition, is on voice chat on the SuperMemo server!
For anyone that's gone through super forecasting material, have you been able to make it pragmatically useful day to day?
How do you compare the utility of ongoing skill acquisition vs. working on projects?
I'm trying to prioritize what I work on in the day by utility and this is easy for projects but I'm struggling to figure out where skill acquisition things should go, especially open ended ones without a finite end like using SuperMemo
Does anyone have a means they use for tracking how long things take vs. predictions to use for future outside view calculations?
What’s the least expensive way to acquire a copy of HPMOR as a gift for a friend? Same for Unsong too though lower priority
I have a hunch that task switching is lowering my productivity some amount but I'm not sure because there are multiple possible sources:
-might be coworking around friends who might be talking
-might be reading and task switching to phone
-might be doing some work, need to ask friend a question on discord and then getting distracted (even if I really am asking/discussing thing with them)
How could I test just how bad it is for productivity and optimize it over time?
I'm working on some rationality-adjacent apple watch apps aimed at:
-making it easier to capture mistakes you make throughout the day
-when you notice a trigger, to have an easier way to access reference material/actions that would be more updateable over time than normal TAPs
-capturing data of what you're doing throughout the day with experience sampling methods
I'm interested in:
-mentors that know swift: I've been hacking together code so far and while this kind of works, this isn't the best approach. Having someone I can ask questions would speed up a lot ...
For health reasons, my sleep is consistently bad. I can still get around 2-3 hours of work done in the morning and another 2-3 in the evening but I have a lot of time where I'm just tired and don't want to do anything too intellectually stimulating.
Any recommendations on good filler activities?
I just moved to Berkeley so fairly often I can go to a meetup of some sort in the evening. But the mornings are harder to fill. When I get myself to, walking around works fairly well (I'm finding it a lot harder now than when I was in Japan since in...
Does anyone else struggle with rejection sensitivity dysphoria (common in people that have ADHD)? It's gotten better for me over time as I understand myself better but it's still a big problem and I'm not sure how to go about dealing with it
Where are SF/Berkeley area events usually coordinated? (going to hopefully be living in the area)
I tried to look for a facebook group but didn't have too much luck
Has anyone considered a way of using a variation of an electrolarynx + voice to text to enable some method of using voice to text without needing to actually speak out loud?
(I know electrolarynxes produce noise but I get the impression some variation could be much quieter than normal speech and still work)
Any suggestions on decent online universities? I've decided to move back to the US from abroad without finishing my degree but my parents still want me to get some sort of degree for long-term employability (ruling out bootcamps unless I can make a really convincing argument).
I'm trying to optimize for:
-not too time consuming: I want to spend most of my time on side-projects of my own interest
-not too expensive: don't want to burn money
-marginally useful/interesting: will be less hard to complete if it feels actually useful
Is there still a map of LW community members?
stumbled upon this: and the link it has to map of users is defunct
Have any of you made an effort to apply expected utility theory to all the things you do? If so, how did you find it?
I'm guessing there are constraints that make routine application difficult but it seems like you could take those into account too
Something that's bothered me for a while is: how is wealth created and value added to society? If I start a software company which marginally makes some people's lives better, does this actually contribute to society? How zero sum are our efforts?
I know the answer to this is somewhere in economics but I'm not really sure where and the 1 course I took on macro wasn't really enough to answer this for me.
Any recommendations/people willing to talk me through this? listened to this episode of the clearer thinking podcast with michael vassar. Mistake theory and conflict theory get thrown around a lot but I don't really get what they are nor how to figure out what the are. I'm not interested in in depth learning on them, does anyone have suggestions on concise summaries/sources to get a good enough idea of what they are?
Anyone have recommendations on good non-swiveling chairs? Unfortunately I end up fidgeting and moving around way too much with them (maybe some of my ADHD?). I'm using a normal chair now but I wonder if there's something better for my back
How do you effectively represent knowledge in learning?
how do you effectively apply recognition primed decision making rather than lesswrong biases?
Is breadth of knowledge, depth of knowledge or applicability of knowledge more important? Whatever the answer is, how do you more dakka the hell out of it?