Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Meetups - Now weekly!

WHEN: 19 November 2012 06:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: Caffe Art Java - 645, av. du Président-Kennedy, Montréal, QC H3A 1K1

After several meetings with two other LessWrong readers and several "outside" friends or acquaintances interested in rationality, we've established that we'll meet every Monday at 18:00.

At this next meetup, we'll attempt to solidify-in-practice some key concepts of LW-style epistemology and start moving into the realm of training thought habits for using words (more) correctly.

If you're interested in joining us, we're interested in having you! If you have questions, please contact Paul_G or myself.

We don't really have a public signal yet, so if you want to avoid the possible embarrassment of asking random people in the café if they're here for the LessWrong meetup, I recommend getting in touch with us.

Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Meetups - Now weekly!

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