Discussion article for the meetup : First Brussels meetup

WHEN: 11 February 2012 11:00:00AM (+0100)

WHERE: Museum of Natural Sciences Rue Vautier 29 B-1000 Brussels

I would like to start organizing meetups in Belgium, I propose we meet at the museum of national sciences in Brussels (getting there: http://www.naturalsciences.be/information/visitor/access) I hope there will big turnup! If the date or location is a problem, leave a reply and we'll try to work something out.

Discussion article for the meetup : First Brussels meetup

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I moved the meet-up back a week to accommodate someone who could not make it on the 18th.

Is this still on? And if so, at 12 or 11 Belgian time?

So are you guys all philisophers or is this a meetup for specific profiles, such as INTJ (Myers Biggs)?