I am interested to attend but won't be in Chicago until after Sept. 6th. Do you expect to have a recurring meetup?
Yes, we have somewhat irregularly occurring meetups that are announced here on LW and on our Google Group e-mail list (which can be accessed from Nic's Discussion Group Post link).
Discussion article for the meetup : Chicago Meetup At State and Elm, August 27th
WHEN: 27 August 2011 03:30:00PM (-0500)
WHERE: 1130 North State Street, Chicago, IL
We'll be meeting at the cafe on the first floor of the State and Elm Barnes & Noble, 1130 N State St, at 3:30pm CST on Saturday, August 27th. The tentative topic of discussion is "recent posts on LessWrong."
Discussion article for the meetup : Chicago Meetup At State and Elm, August 27th