I will pay out immediately upon our agreement to the bet. The other party only needs to pay out if and when they lose the bet.
The odds I'm offering are 75:1, or 50:1 if you're willing to provide proof of liquidity.
The time frame is 5 years from the day the bet is made
The bet will resolve in my favor if a non-prosaic origin of the existing evidence around UFOs, orofnew evidence, is confirmed in this time frame. Thestandards would be the same that Yudkowsky agreed to.
I'll send amounts of $100-$10,000, depending on what you'd prefer.
I am willing to make multiple bets with different people.
I'd prefer that the bet is made public (with identifying names) so there's accountability, but this point is negotiable.
If there are any points of ambiguity, we'd fall back on the rules Yudkowsky agreed to in his similar bet.
It's been a little while since this has come up, but I'm hoping there's still interest. I'm offering the best odds yet (50:1).
I'd like to offer another bet similar to Yudkowsky's bet with RatsWrongAboutUAP. Here would be the rules:
Hoping there's still interest in this!