The folks at CFAR are working on a post talking about all the good work they've done and plan to do, but in the meantime I'm putting this up as a placeholder in case anyone finishing up their 2013 donations literally doesn't know about it. Someone please let me know if the official announcement's already up and I've missed it.

UPDATE: Lukeprog pointed out that there's a stub in Main too. Also I put up my own bleg on behalf of CFAR here: It was an interesting exercise in trying to write glowing praise while experiencing extreme annoyance. I hope I succeeded.

I also hope the official version will be up very soon!

UPDATE2: CFAR now has a post up explaining what they are working on and why you should give. You should probably trust the official version more than mine.

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I donated some money on Dec. 13, and I'm not sure if the matching was active at that time. Anyone know?

Better give again just to be safe ;)

Yep: CFAR advertised their fundraiser in their latest newsletter, which I received on Dec. 5.

I suspect CFAR will be announcing this to LW-Main soon-ish. This was linked from LW-Discussion once before.

Thanks. Somehow that didn't come up on an in-site search for CFAR.

UPDATE: Never mind, I was using the search tool wrong. It's findable.