I expect it would be useful when developing an understanding of the language used on LW.

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We don't have a live count, but we have a one-time analysis from late 2023: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WYqixmisE6dQjHPT8/2022-and-all-time-posts-by-pingback-count 

My guess is not much has changed since then, so I think that's basically the answer.

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What do you mean by "cited"? Do you mean "articles references in other articles on LW" or "articles cited in academic journals" or some other definition?

That’s an important point I neglected. I mean something like “the top LW post on the list would have the most links from other LW posts”

For example, I’d expect “More Dakka” would be high up on the list. Since it is mentioned in LW posts quite often.