Inspired by the psychology replication quiz, I've come up with four rules to tell bullshit studies in psychology from real ones:

1. The rule of antisignificance

2. The rule of Taleb's grandma

3. The rule of multiplicity

4. The rule of silicone boobs

And finally, a reason why this could mean that there's a brighter future for good psychology research.

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Why not post the full article, especially since this is your own blog?

I usually cross-post the entire article if:

1. It's related to rationality and the sort of thing I would post to LW if I didn't have Putanumonit.

2. It doesn't have a lot of images and tables I'll have to reload and reformat.

3. I'm not too lazy.

This time, the fault was mostly with #3.


Pedantic correction: silicone, not silicon. Perhaps silicon boobs would be interesting to a hypothetical (Too-)Friendly AI, but most humans would not find them appealing.

[EDITED to fix a typo.]

I never even noticed that those are two different things! This was not a typo, it was a glaring hole in my education. Thank you for filling it up.

Oh, and pedantic correction: you misspelled *silicone* with an extra *l*.


Mistyped rather than misspelled (or, depending on how you prefer to define those things, misspelled by mistyping). Anyway, I'll fix it; thanks.

don’t trust studies that would be covered in the Weird News column of the newspaper

-- Ozy

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