AI 2030, a global AI policy roadmap, was launched around a day ago. It was put together and released by Encode Justice, and signed by (at time of writing) over 300 people including Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark, Daniel Kokotajlo, Yoshua Bengio, Mary Robinson, Daron Acemoglu and many more eminent figures. 

The most exciting part – this coalition is explicitly youth inspired and led. Despite youth involvement is many activist movements, and the precarious position many young people find themselves in with AI development, there has been little youth activist work on AI. There is enormous potential for effective involvement, which AI 2030 will hopefully inspire.

There has been broad agreement from technical experts, AI ethics researchers, politicians, economists, and more key figures on the risks of AI. However, there has been a lack of policy asks explicitly agreed to by the individuals shaping public opinion and the technology itself.  AI 2030 aims to fill this gap, by providing a list of policy asks to be satisfied by the year 2030, agreed to by experts from around the world.

How you can support AI 2030:

  • Sign it. Lending your name to the asks made would be incredibly useful, and it only takes filling in a short form - AI 2030 Signature Form
  • Share this project with interested friends and colleagues
  • Provide any relevant expertise / help refine the policy asks
  • Share it anywhere and everywhere. Social media isn’t the only way to spread a message, but it’s getting there

You can read more about it in the Washington Post here.

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