Time and time again, honest feedback has improved my life. I have sought it out on many specific occasions, but now I have a static, anonymous way for people to give me feedback — for any reason, at any time.

You can give me feedback on my personality, my conduct, or the organization for which I work by following this link right here.

Thank you. I apologize for making a discussion post that is all about me.

I operate by Crocker's Rules.

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Perhaps you may want to invoke Crocker's rules?

Simply a suggestion, no further implications intended.

Edit: Actually, still with no further implications intended beyond simple curiosity: if not, why not? I would be curious if you think the concept is a useful tool in a situation like this.

Oh yeah. Added.

I apologize for making a discussion post that is all about me.

No need to apologise; you have contributed a lot to the site recently, so you deserve a post to yourself.

This seems like a great idea! I want to do this for myself. (I've had the honesty box up on facebook for a while but no one uses it.)

Any easy way to set this up for everyone? (Btw, I bet you'll get a message from "User:"Clippy saying that you don't make enough paperclips or something...)

This looks to be a Google Docs form (used for making surveys), it just has a single question which is a "paragraph text" field. It shouldn't take long to do the same thing for yourself.

Have a look at this help topic for details on making a form.

That worked fairly well for me; I have what I think is a working feedback form. (I mostly copied lukeprog's wording, but omitting the parts about SIAI and hopefully wording it more friendly.)

The tricky part was figuring out how to set up email notifications: you have to go to the spreadsheet version of the form, click on Tools->Notifications and work from there.

First of all, I can't give you any feedback, because I'm fairly new here -- sorry about that. That said, I really like this idea of having a persistent personal feedback form. Somehow it had never occurred to me.

I'm curious, though -- what exactly do you do with the feedback ? How do you analyze it (beyound just filtering out the spam, that is), and how do you apply the results of the analysis ? Do you have some sort of a systematic -- or better yet, automated -- way of doing so ?

I doubt he gets very much feedback; no point in running any formal analysis on tiny datasets.

I have 16 pieces of feedback so far, but (by design) they are qualitative. This is a static feedback form linked from the front page of my personal website, so I expect feedback to keep coming in, but I don't plan to do a systematic analysis - at least not for many months.

This may be off-topic, but after skimming your website, I noticed that you wrote the Singularity FAQ. At one point, I thought of submitting an article critiquing the FAQ, but decided against it, since this might be considered trolling. But perhaps I should submit my critique via the feedback form ?

How many do you have as of today? (I have 9 in total.)

Ah, ok, that makes sense. Still, once you get around to performing such an analysis, I'd be very interested to see it. Making quantitative sense of qualitative data is what AI is all about, after all ! (ok, ok, not really, but it's still a fun thing to do).

I also invoke Crockers rules - and appreciate any and all feedback others wish to give me :)

I'm waning saying anything definitive because you've earned enough status on the site that I might succumb to the Halo Effect.

But I'll say this: I think of you as the exemplar for an "Everyman rationalist" -- what the X-Rationality approach to life can do for the "common" Westernly schmoe, which is to say, a helluva lot. You have succeeded both epistemically and instrumentally through your deconversion and your self-help; these are issues that are "closer to home" than the demands set by FAI research, and thus invite a larger audience into the fold. In other words, you cover a lot of ground and you do it well.

I hope to emulate your comprehensiveness, your happiness (and, of course, your Modafinil habits :P) while building the Vancouver Rationalists community in the coming months.

So far as I can tell, lukeprog wasn't inviting feedback here, but via the link provided.

Mm, that's right. Worth retracting? I don't want to seem unscrupulous.

Not worth retracting.

Luke, I would be curious to see how you write your articles, the same for other top LWers:



Your articles and references are enlightening.

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