Urine turns neon when you’ve saturated b12, oral iodine starts tasting bitter (anecdotal, don’t necessarily take this as advice), and yeah flush
Claude made me a react applet for staring at trends- there are obvious worsenings at certain points in my hormonal cycle, and it’s nice to be able to check if my perceived frequency of a given symptom is off (often the case), and which symptoms tend to cluster (useful for interrogating whether I have more than 1 maligned process)
Probably fine if “made by Amazon”, assuming they can be trusted keep those separate. I had one bad experience and wrote them off entirely because the cost of doing a run with a bad supp and it not working for supplier instead of actual reasons is too high for me
It’s also been psychologically useful. I obsess less over symptoms if I know they’re being tracked, and it’s nice seeing that a lot of the things I worry about resolve themselves or aren’t always true