Not all, just enough. Weakening their mental ties so they get their social calibration from the small group is the key point.
No, it's much more than that. Scientology makes its members cut off communication with their former friends and families entirely. They also have a ritualized training procedure in which an examiner repeatedly tries to provoke them, and they have to avoid producing a detectable response on an "e-meter" (which measures stress response). After doing this for awhile, they learn to remain calm under the most extreme circumstances and not react. And so when Scientology's leaders abuse them in terrible ways and commit horrible crimes, they continue to remain calm and not react.
Cults tear down members' defenses and smash their moral compasses. Less Wrong does the exact opposite.
No, it's much more than that. Scientology makes its members cut off communication with their former friends and families entirely. They also have a ritualized training procedure in which an examiner repeatedly tries to provoke them, and they have to avoid producing a detectable response on an "e-meter" (which measures stress response). After doing this for awhile, they learn to remain calm under the most extreme circumstances and not react. And so when Scientology's leaders abuse them in terrible ways and commit horrible crimes, they continue to remain calm and not react.
Cults tear down members' defenses and smash their moral compasses. Less Wrong does the exact opposite.