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On the other hand I suspect Scientology not be to a cult. I think they are just making fun of religion and at the same time are some really selfish bastards who live of the money of people dumb enough to actually think they are serious. If they told me this, I'd join.

SCIENTOLOGY IS DANGEROUS. Scientology is not a joke and joining them is not something to be joked about. The fifth level of precaution is absolutely required in all dealings with the Church of Scientology and its members. A few minutes of research with Google will turn up extraordinarily serious allegations against the Church of Scientology and its top leadership, including allegations of brainwashing, abducting members into slavery in their private navy, framing their critics for crimes, and large-scale espionage against government agencies that might investigate them.

I am a regular Less Wrong commenter, but I'm making this comment anonymously because Scientology has a policy of singling out critics, especially prominent ones but also some simply chosen at random, for harrassment and attacks. They are very clever and vicious in the nature of the attacks they use, which have included libel, abusing the legal system, and framing their targets for crimes they did not commit. When protests are conducted against Scientology, the organizers advise all attendees to wear masks for their own safety, and I believe they are right to do so.

If you reply to this comment or discuss Scientology anywhere on the internet, please protect your anonymity by using a throwaway account. To discourage people from being reckless, I will downvote any comment which mentions Scientology and which looks like it's tied to a real identity.