Ben Pace

I'm an admin of LessWrong. Here are a few things about me.

  • I generally feel more hopeful about a situation when I understand it better.
  • I have signed no contracts nor made any agreements whose existence I cannot mention.
  • I believe it is good take responsibility for accurately and honestly informing people of what you believe in all conversations; and also good to cultivate an active recklessness for the social consequences of doing so.
  • It is wrong to directly cause the end of the world. Even if you are fatalistic about what is going to happen.

(Longer bio.)


AI Alignment Writing Day 2019
Transcript of Eric Weinstein / Peter Thiel Conversation
AI Alignment Writing Day 2018
Share Models, Not Beliefs

Wikitag Contributions


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Edited, should be working fine now, thx!

Something a little different: Today I turn 28. If you might be open to do something nice for me for my birthday, I would like to request the gift of data. I have made a 2-4 min anonymous survey about me as a person, and if you have a distinct sense of me as a person (even just from reading my LW posts/comments) I would greatly appreciate you filling it out and letting me know how you see me!

Here's the survey.

It's an anonymous survey where you rate me on lots of attributes like "anxious", "honorable", "wise" and more. All multiple-choice. Two years ago I also shared a birthday survey amongst people who know me and ~70 people filled it out, and I learned a lot from it. I am very excited to see how the perception of me amongst the people I know has *changed*, and also to find out how people on LessWrong see me, so the core of this survey is ~20 of the same attributes.

In return for your kind gift, if you complete it, you get to see the aggregate ratings of me from last time!

This survey helps me understand how people see me, and recognize my blindspots, and I'm very grateful to anyone who takes a few mins to complete it. Two people completed it already and it took them 2 mins and 4 mins to complete it. (There are many further optional questions but it says clearly when the main bit is complete.)

I of course intend to publish the (aggregate) data in a LW post and talk about what I've learned from it :-)

I'm never sure if it makes sense to add that clause every time I talk about the future.

Curated. Some more detailed predictions of the future, different from others, and one of the best bear cases I've read.

This feels a bit less timeless than many posts we curate but my guess is that (a) it'll be quite interesting to re-read this in 2 years, and (b) it makes sense to record good and detailed predictions like this more regularly in the field of AI which is moving so much faster than most of the rest of the world.

Thanks for this short story! I have so many questions.

  1. This was during training camp? How many days/weeks/month in was this?
  2. How many people went through this training camp with you? Are you still friends with any of them?
  3. How long was training, and then how long did you serve as a professional?
  4. I encourage any links you have to content about these folks in future stories. I had to check the Wikipedia page before I fully believed that the logo was a skull with knife through it.

Yes, I would be interested in reading another story about your time there. This story gave me some insight into the context, I think I would like something heavier on the logos, but I'd be happy with either.

Intercom please! Helps for us to have back and forth like "What device / operating system / browser?" and other relevant q's.

That sounds good to me i.e. draft this post, and then make it a comment in one of those places instead (my weak guess is a quick take is better, but whatever you like).

Posted either as a comment on the seasonal open thread or using the quick takes / shortform feature, which posts it in your shortform (e.g. here is my shortform).

I'm saying that this seems to me not on the level of substance of a post, so it'd be better as a comment of one of the above two types, and also that it's plausible to me you'd probably get more engagement as a comment in the open thread.

FWIW this feels like it should be a shortform/open thread than a post.

I have used my admin powers to put it into a collapsible section so that people who expand this in recent discussion do not have to scroll for 5 seconds to get past it.

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