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Thanks for the post. I didn't know about MacroFactor, and it seems like a great alternative to the all-too-popular MyFitnessPal. Do you (or anyone else) have a good recommendation for a food scale? Measuring individual ingredients, like those for a complex salad, for example, seems like a tedious task.


The two other books in the series (particularly The Dark Forest)

I found the series to be a slog until about halfway through The Dark Forest, when jura Yhb Wv ragrerq pelbfgnfvf naq jbxr hc gjb uhaqerq lrnef yngre. After that, the series ramped up, and I couldn't stop reading.


You're O.K. to read in publication order.


This is really two books.

I'm in the camp that Seveneves is three books: disaster thriller to start, space-based intrigue in the middle, and fantastical science fiction at the end.


For the people who live in the terminal, newsboat works well.


I enjoy using Obsidian for its automatic syncing and intuitive mobile application. I'd happily use the git system outlined in your post if I didn't jot down as many notes (or reference links saved in files) on my phone as I do now.