
Interdisciplinary economic theorist in Tokyo, happiest/most productive when bringing econ/finance insights to multidisciplinary teams.  Rakuten Institute of Technology; formerly University of Birmingham, Turing Institute, G-Research, EIU.

explainable AI: incorporating causal knowledge into Shapley's value (NeurIPS 2020); extended Shapley's value to sets of features (ICLR 2022)

formal verification: academic work in auction theory; founded fintech fovefi for market risk software

neurotech: hobby project BCI

policy: Iraq sanctions


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I have less experience in Japan than Harold does, but would generally advocate a grounded approach to issues of AI safety and alignment, rather than an abstract one.  

I was perhaps most struck over the weekend that I did not speak to anyone who had actually been involved in developing or running safety-critical systems (aviation, nuclear energy, CBW...), on which lives depended.  This gave a lot of the conversations the flavour of a 'glass bead game'.

As Japan is famously risk-averse, it would seem to me - perhaps naively - that grounded arguments should land well here.