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They think that the furnace burns at a different temperature depending on how high the thermostat is.


Are you making this juice yourself by chucking a whole orange in the blender and then drinking it?

In that case, you probably - I don't know - have enough fiber that it's not that much different from just eating an orange, and fresh juices are said to be more nutritious than bought anyway. (Admittedly, the people who say this are people who own juicers, but that's probably beside the point.)

But if you're buying it from the store, then... no. It's still mostly just sugar with a little bit of texture floating in it.

If you're not gulping it by the gallon daily I wouldn't worry about it, but it's part of your healthy balanced breakfast - and not a huge part :)


Although that's not the only way to divide up the ABCs to sing it to the melody of Baa Baa Black Sheep. You can also do abcd efg hijk lmn opq rst uvw xyz. Took me ages to figure that out after I learned how to sing the alphabet backwards and realized that backwards there was no rushing part.


I suspect it's just culturally seen as the grown-up way to do it and the other way is the easy, five-year-old's way.


Given the conditions in factory farms, some might say especially store-bought in Western countries! (Or at least the US, I don't know about elsewhere.)


Also it should be noted that ground meats are not as safe as meat that is whole. A steak doesn't have to be cooked to the same level of doneness as a hamburger.


One bit of food safety is to use a designated cutting board ONLY for chopping raw meat. One board for fruits and vegetables (and if they're wooden I find it's helpful to use a separate one for onions) and one for raw meat. You'll want to buy two that look dissimilar so you can't confuse the two.

When you're cooking, be sure to wash the knife between chopping up your raw meat and chopping up anything that might not be cooked to the same temperature. (Practically, this means to wash the knife or switch knives after the meat, no matter what.)


One orange is one or two servings of fruit... but a serving of orange juice is four oranges.

You're getting all the sugar and calories of four oranges (4 - 8 servings of fruit!) without any of the fiber.

Fruit juices aren't exactly the devil, but they're not especially nutritious either.


The ingredient list says it contains "hydrolyzed protein" made from, among other things, wheat. That means it has gluten in it and it's not gluten-free. It's also not kosher for Passover.

Edit: Reading further, it also has "hydrolyzed gluten", so... yeah.

The packet full of spices has much more than just spices in it, and it's that which has the gluten.