"Another problem of "Liebe Leserinnen und Leser," is that intersex people in the audience aren't included and therefore people who highly value political correctness might object to the phrase and use a phrase that signals more political correctness. "
Thats because words can have multiple meanings, and female and male, is one of them. One of the definitions of male is have Y cromosome, and the definition of female is not have Y chromosome.
This is the definition used at this case, and is not exclude ANY human being because they would either have Y chromosomes (be this definition of male) or dont have Y chromosome (be the previously cited definition of male).
Actually those previously cited definitions of female and male, man and woman..... where the definitions used by most people at the past and are still the definition most used by people. When someone said "this is a male bathroom" they are and were saying "this bathroom is for people that have the Y chromosome, if you have it, you can enter it", basically nowadays people are using equivocation fallacy to allow or ban people of do stuff. All the mess related to this subject can be summed at equivocation fallacy, something that would exist even if I or anyone pointing that this is a equivocation fallacy was never born.
"Another problem of "Liebe Leserinnen und Leser," is that intersex people in the audience aren't included and therefore people who highly value political correctness might object to the phrase and use a phrase that signals more political correctness. "
Thats because words can have multiple meanings, and female and male, is one of them. One of the definitions of male is have Y cromosome, and the definition of female is not have Y chromosome.
This is the definition used at this case, and is not exclude ANY human being because they would either have Y chromosomes (be this definition of male) or dont have Y chromosome (be the previously cited definition of male).
Actually those previously cited definitions of female and male, man and woman..... where the definitions used by most people at the past and are still the definition most used by people. When someone said "this is a male bathroom" they are and were saying "this bathroom is for people that have the Y chromosome, if you have it, you can enter it", basically nowadays people are using equivocation fallacy to allow or ban people of do stuff. All the mess related to this subject can be summed at equivocation fallacy, something that would exist even if I or anyone pointing that this is a equivocation fallacy was never born.