Master's student in applied mathematics, funded by Center on Long-Term Risk to investigate the cheating problem in safe pareto-improvements. Agent foundations fellow with @Alex_Altair.
Some other areas I'm interested in:
Great post! Agree with the points raised but would like to add that restricting the expressivity isn’t the only way that we can try to make the world model more interpretable by design. There are many ways that we can decompose a world model into components, and human concepts correspond to some of the components (under a particular decomposition) as opposed to the world model as a whole. We can backpropagate desiderata about ontology identification to the way that the world model is decomposed.
For instance, suppose that we’re trying to identify the concept of a strawberry inside a solomonoff inductor: We know that once we identify the concept of a strawberry inside a solomonoff inductor, it needs to continue to work even when the solomonoff inductor updates to new potential hypotheses about the world (e.g. we want the concept of a strawberry to still be there even when the inductor learns about QFT). This means that we’re looking for redundant information that is present in a wide variety of potential likely hypothesis given our observations, so instead of working with all the individual TMs, we can try to capture the redundant information shared across a wide variety of TMs consistent with our existing observations (& we expect the concept of a strawberry to be part of that redundant information, as opposed to the information specific to any particular hypothesis)
This obviously doesn’t get us all the way there but I think it’s an existence proof for cutting down the search space for “human-like concepts” without sacrificing the expressivity of the world model, by reasoning about what parts of the world model could correspond to human-like concepts
I think one pattern which needs to hold in the environment in order for subgoal corrigibility to make sense is that the world is modular, but that modularity structure can be broken or changed
For one, modularity is the main thing that enables general purpose search: If we can optimize for a goal by just optimizing for a few instrumental subgoals while ignoring the influence of pretty much everything else, then that reflects some degree of modularity in the problem space
Secondly, if the modularity structure of the environment stays constant no matter what (e.g We can represent it as a fixed causal DAG), then there would be no need to "respect modularity" because any action we take would preserve the modularity of the environment by default (given our assumption); we would only need to worry about side effects if there's at least a possibility for those side effects to break or change the modularity of the problem space, and that means the modularity structure of the problem space is a thing that can be broken or changed
Example of modularity structure of the environment changing: Most objects in the world pretty much only have direct influence on other objects nearby, and we can break or change that modularity structure by moving objects to different positions. In particular, the positions are the variables which determines the modularity of "which objects influence which other objects", and the way that we "break" the modularity structure between the objects is by intervening on those variables.
So we know that "subgoal corrigibility" requries the environment to be modular, but that modularity structure can be broken or changed. If this is true, then the modularity structure of the environment can be tracked by a set of "second-order" variables such as position which tells us "what things influence what other things" (In particular, these second-order variables themselves might satisfy some sort of modularity structure that can be changed, and we may have third-order variables that tracks the modularity structure of the second-order variables). The way that we "respect the modularity" of other instrumental subgoals is by preserving these second-order variables that track the modularity structure of the problem space.
For instance, we get to break down the goal of baking a cake into instrumental subgoals such as acquiring coca powder (while ignoring most other things) if and only if a particular modularity structure of the problem space holds (e.g. other equipments are all in the right place & right positions), and there is a set of variables that track that modularity structure (the conditions & positions of the equipments). The way we preserve that modularity structure is by preserving those variables (the conditions & positions of the equipments).
Given this, we might want to model the world in a way that explicitly represents variables that track the modularity of other variables, so that we get to preserve influence over those variables (and therefore the modularity structure that GPS relies on)
Imagine that I'm watching the video of the squirgle, and suddenly the left half of the TV blue-screens. Then I'd probably think "ah, something messed up the TV, so it's no longer showing me the squirgle" as opposed to "ah, half the squirgle just turned into a big blue square". I know that big square chunks turning a solid color is a typical way for TVs to break, which largely explains away the observation; I think it much more likely that the blue half-screen came from some failure of the TV rather than an unprecedented behavior of the squirgle.
My mental model of this is something like: My concept of a squirgle is a function which maps latent variables to observations such that likelier observations correspond to latent variables with lower description length.
Suppose that we currently settle on a particular latent variable , but we receive new observations that are incompatible with , and these new observations can be most easily accounted for by modifying to a new latent variable that's pretty close to , then we say that this change is still about squirgle
But if we receive new observations that can be more easily accounted for by perturbing a different latent variable that corresponds to another concept (eg about TV), then that is a change about a different thing and not the squirgle
The main property that enables this kind of separation is modularity of the world model, because when most components are independent of most other components at any given time, only a change in a few latent variables (as opposed to most latent variables) is required to accomodate new beliefs, & that allows us to attribute changes in beliefs into changes about disentangled concepts
Noted, that does seem a lot more tractable than using natural latents to pin down details of CEV by itself
natural latents are about whether the AI's cognition routes through the same concepts that humans use.
We can imagine the AI maintaining predictive accuracy about humans without using the same human concepts. For example, it can use low-level physics to simulate the environment, which would be predictively accurate, but that cognition doesn't make use of the concept "strawberry" (in principle, we can still "single out" the concept of "strawberry" within it, but that information comes mostly from us, not from the physics simulation)
Natural latents are equivalent up to isomorphism (ie two latent variables are equivalent iff they give the same conditional probabilities on observables), but for reflective aspects of human cognition, it's unclear whether that equivalence class pin down all information we care about for CEV (there may be differences within the equivalence class that we care about), in a way that generalizes far out of distribution
I think the fact that natural latents are much lower dimensional than all of physics makes it suitable for specifying the pointer to CEV as an equivalence class over physical processes (many quantum field configurations can correspond to the same human, and we want to ignore differences within that equivalence class).
IMO the main bottleneck is to account for the reflective aspects in CEV, because one constraint of natural latents is that it should be redundantly represented in the environment.
like infinite state Turing machines, or something like this:
Interesting, I'll check it out!
Then we've converged almost completely, thanks for the conversation.
Thanks! I enjoyed the conversation too.
So you're saying that conditional on GPS working, both capabilities and inner alignment problems are solved or solvable, right?
yes, I think inner alignment is basically solved conditional on GPS working, for capabilities I think we still need some properties of the world model in addition to GPS.
While I agree that formal proof is probably the case with the largest divide in practice, the verification/generation gap applies to a whole lot of informal fields as well, like research, engineering of buildings and bridges, and more,
I agree though if we had a reliable way to do cross the formal-informal bridge, it would be very helpful, I was just making a point about how pervasive the verification/generation gap is.
My main thoughts on infrabayesianism is that while it definitely interesting, and I do like quite a bit of the math and results, right now the monotonicity principle is a big reason why I'm not that comfortable with using infrabayesianism, even if it actually worked.
I also don't believe it's necessary for alignment/uncertainty either.
yes, the monotonicity principle is also the biggest flaw of infrabayesianism IMO, & I also don't think it's necessary for alignment (though I think some of their results or analogies of their results would show up in a full solution to alignment).
I wasn't totally thinking of simulated reflection, but rather automated interpretability/alignment research.
I intended "simulated reflection" to encompass (a form of) automated interpretability/alignment research, but I should probably use a better terminology.
Yeah, a big thing I admit to assuming is that I'm assuming that the GPS is quite aimable by default, due to no adversarial cognition, at least for alignment purposes, but I want to see your solution first, because I still think this research could well be useful.
This is what I was trying to say, that the tradeoff is in certain applications like automating AI interpretability/alignment research is not that harsh, and I was saying that a lot of the methods that make personal intent/instruction following AGIs feasible allow you to extract optimization that is hard and safe enough to use iterative methods to solve the problem.
People at OpenAI are absolutely trying to integrate search into LLMs, see this example where they got the Q* algorithm that aced a math test:
Also, I don't buy that it was refuted, based on this, which sounds like a refutation but isn't actually a refutation, and they never directly deny it:
Interesting, I do expect GPS to be the main bottleneck for both capabilities and inner alignment
it's generally much easier to verify that something has been done correctly than actually executing the plan yourself
Agreed, but I think the main bottleneck is crossing the formal-informal bridge, so it's much harder to come up with a specification such that but once we have such a specification it'll be much easier to come up with an implementation (likely with the help of AI)
2.) Reward modelling is much simpler with respect to uncertainty, at least if you want to be conservative. If you are uncertain about the reward of something, you can just assume it will be bad and generally you will do fine. This reward conservatism is often not optimal for agents who have to navigate an explore/exploit tradeoff but seems very sensible for alignment of an AGI where we really do not want to ‘explore’ too far in value space. Uncertainty for ‘capabilities’ is significantly more problematic since you have to be able to explore and guard against uncertainty in precisely the right way to actually optimize a stochastic world towards a specific desired point.
Yes, I think optimizing worst-case performance is one crucial part of alignment, it's also one
advantage of infrabayesianism
I do think this means we will definitely have to get better at interpretability, but the big reason I think this matters less than you think is probably due to being more optimistic about the meta-plan for alignment research, due to both my models of how research progress works, plus believing that you can actually get superhuman performance at stuff like AI interpretability research and still have instruction following AGIs/ASIs.
Yes, I agree that accelerated/simulated reflection is a key hope for us to interpret an alien ontology, especially if we can achieve something like HRH that helps us figure out how to improve automated interpretability itself. I think this would become safer & more feasible if we have an aimable GPS and a modular world model that supports counterfactual queries (as we'd get to control the optimization target for automating interpretability without worrying about unintended optimization).