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I emailed this to SMTM this morning:

Hypothesis: overeating is self-medication for emotional pain


I admit I haven't read your entire Chemical Hunger series. I did read the mysteries and the conclusion. And I did a "find on page" for the terms "adverse childhood", "roseto", and "blue zones", and found zero hits.

I recommend watching this 7 minute video by the director of the original ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study. He was originally working on a weight-loss program at Kaiser (HMO). Of note: 55% of the women who were overweight had been sexually abused as a kid:

And check out the CDC site:

A more in-depth talk Dr. Felitti gave:

And this tribute to him is informative too

The Roseto study is eye-opening:

As well as the Blue Zones:

As you've found, obesity is viral, and the weight of the people around you influence your own weight.

It could be argued that high-altitude locations make it harder for people to come and go, and that increases community connectedness which keeps weights in check.

I think you've stumbled on a lot of correlations, but I believe the cause is emotional pain caused by a reduced feeling of love and belonging in society.

Thanks for listening. ·Dave