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You may also consider asking a similar question on the various 'Ask a question' websites, but obviously the responses to a shotgun approach will vary wildly.

Thank you for this idea. I submitted a variant of my post to Health Stack Exchange. may want to provide an easy way for someone to contact you without creating a LW account in case of the useful but lazy passerby.

I've edited my post to include contact information.

If you have boldness, why not contact the writers of the textbook and ask them?

I will contact them tomorrow, but I don't expect much from cold-emailing researchers.

I edited the post the include what I know about our family history.

I assume you have looked at the risk factors including possible family history, and found nothing.

Sorry, not including this in the post was a huge oversight on my part. L has a cousin who has had two miscarriages, and I have an aunt who had several stillbirths followed by 3 live births of healthy children. We don't know the cause of any of these. We know of no other family members that have had similar misfortunes. I updated the post to reflect this.

If V is your son from a different relationship, his genetic distance is further so I would give him normal weight instead of double, but if L has other children I would still double them since the mother's genetics are probably more important.

Both V and J are genetically related to L and I. Neither of us have had any other children. I've updated the post to make this more clear. Thank you.