
I discovered Less Wrong (LW) in 2009 when I started law school. Although I was an avid Slashdot reader, LW resonated with me in a special way. The timing was perfect since I was deeply immersed in legal studies at the time, spending each day engaging with logical reasoning and analysis.

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What drew my attention wasn’t the quality of the work but the attitude—assuming these can be meaningfully separated. I’m not qualified to assess the quality, but the attitude was notably negative, something that anyone observing the same situation might recognize. This led me down a rabbit hole: why would someone who chose a high-stress, well-compensated profession display such behavior? While workload might explain it—and I acknowledged that possibility in my original post—the purpose of my analysis was to explore other potential factors.

I should mention that this happened on day one. I ended up staying overnight with a family member, which led me down a separate rabbit hole about how many patients suffer or even die due to poor-quality sleep caused by excessive medical alert noise pollution. Over the next two days, however, I encountered several nurses with a positive attitude, which was a refreshing change.