
Weird and not yet extraordinary.

Site: https://exanova.mmm.page/

X: @indiraschka

My personal doc: https://exanova.notion.site/Say-hi-Web-950b46ad5da24f50935bd20814f04c23?pvs=4

Wiki Contributions



New funding idea: We need an AI rationalist-adjacent girlfriend!

One way to do this is to email people that you want to be your mentor with the subject “Request for Mentorship”.

I'm curious if anyone sending emails like these have gotten mentors. The success rate might be higher if you form a connection and then ask for recurring meetings.

Follow up idea based on the stalking section:

  • Write an algorithm that finds the shortest distance from any person through connections to desired person using social media like X or Instagram
  • Ask nodes to contact the target node or ask secret matchmakers to create a set up with a convincing pretext such as inviting them to rationality events!
  • Automate steps in the process and involve others.

If it helps, I can help match people in the rationality-adjacent circles through manifold.love. You can find my contact information in my profile.

Answer by exanova81

I wonder under what conditions people would choose Nothingness?