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relied too much on the impressions of some specific people in a way that felt hard to engage with

I experience some of the problems Bendini discusses (in London rather than Berkeley) but I agree with this ^. So; data. Do any of the past surveys bear on the question of community feels, or geographical angst? (The mental health one does, but too indirectly.)

If not, this should be done. The burden needn't fall on Bendini, who has done this survey already, just informally and without the benefits of anonymity. I'll run it if people think it's worthwhile.


  • Where are you?
  • How often do you interact IRL / online with rationalist peers?
  • How often would you like to?
  • Are salient characteristics about you underrepresented in your rat. peers?
  • Do you feel isolated or otherwise bad about this under-representation?
  • etc