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Longtime lurker, more recent commenter. I see a lot of rationality-type posters on Twitter and in the past couple of years became aware of "post-rationalists." It's somewhat ill-defined but essentially they are former rationalists who are more accepting of "woo" to be vague about it. My question is: 1) What level of engagement is there (if any) between rationalists and post-rationalists and 2) Is there anyone who dabbled or full on claimed post-rationalist positions and then reverted back to rationalists positions? What was that journey like and what made you switch between these beliefs?

Hey Adam, thanks for checking it out. I do have a JS script that's supposed to prevent straight copying and pasting but yes, cheating would be hard to regulate. I had one thought that the winnings don't go to you, but to a charity of your choosing to try to reduce the incentive to cheat as much, but I'm still skeptical as to how much that would work. But good point, something I'm still trying to figure out.

Thanks for checking it out Jonny! And yes, that is an issue I've noticed as well. I do have a filter to try to remove identifying info in the article but it's pretty spotty. This is one of the things I'd like to improve if I had time and money. But cheers! Appreciate the insight

Answer by ideasthete21

I like this leetcode style aspect of the idea. Maybe if you identify the "Blind 75" of cognitive biases, that might be a good start. Or take practice problems from this course: Maybe if you identify which problems you want to train on, you can use an LLM to continuously rewrite them to prevent users from simply memorizing an answer and force them to think critically. There's several ways to implement this sort of thing and I can easily imagine the high school version of myself falling down this rabbit hole. 

Not to self promote too much, but I created a demo of a similarly inspired idea that I call newsbetting at The idea was to use betting mechanisms to create skin in the game and help news consumers identify their own biases when reading the news. Maybe you can include this betting mechanism as a proxy for your confidence interval. 

Regardless, I would very much like to see the outcome of this sort of project and I wish you the best!

Hey Lucas! 

Thanks for the kind words. I'm still finding my bearings on this site, but I'd absolutely be down to chat. I took a look at and you clearly have a better eye for design than I do! Would love to exchange ideas soon.