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I'm sorry, I read the tone of it ruder than it was intended.

[Rogan pivots to talking about aliens for a while, which I have no interest in and do not believe the hypothesis is worth privileging. I point you to (and endorse) the bets on this that many LessWrongers have made of up to $150k against the hypothesis. 

This reeks of soldier mindset, instead of just ignoring that part of the transcript, you felt the need to seek validation in your opposing opinion by telling us what to think in an unrelated section.  The readers can think for themselves and do not need your help to do so.

This is why I'm expecting an international project for safe AI.  The USA government isn't going to leave powerful AI in the hands of Altman or Google, and the rest of the world isn't going to sit idly while the USA becomes the sole AGI powerhouse.

An international project to create utopian AI is the only path I can imagine which avoids MAD.  If there's a better plan, I haven't heard it.