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Jajk 2y10

Unschooling generally lacks the rigid structure of a traditional school curriculum, and even less structure than many homeschooling experiences. So what were the advantages and disadvantages of having to teach yourself, without a fixed curriculum to follow? And I don't know about who helped or guided you, but did you/your mentors spend a lot of time over choosing effective learning materials once you decided what topic to study?

Also, do you think being a naturally curious person is necessary for unschooling to be effective?

When you finally went to a public school, did any aspect of it frustrate/confuse you which you thought unschooling did better?

Jajk 2y20

This seems to be a very cool idea, but if (when?) we actually have the tech to do this, there would likely be better solutions to the issues this is supposed to help with. Or, our spacefaring capabilities would be such that the marginal advantage of Space Amazons would be very small.

Still I do hope someone makes this into a cool sci fi story.

Jajk 2y30

I think the reason why India got conquered was something similar to what happened with China. The Mughal Empire was in its twilight years and there were many states and princely kingdoms fighting with each other trying to establish their own dominance.

Some Indian kingdoms even formed alliances with the English East India Company hoping to gain an advantage over their neighboring kingdoms. That is why with India, the British conquered it gradually, one kingdom after another - until they effectively were rulers of the whole subcontinent. 

Jajk 2y10

My current understanding is that, in general, the value of something can be represented/quantifiable by the units of some other things that can be directly obtained by putting that thing into usage. If it stays idle without doing anything, the value is essentially zero.

I think this is a bit more complicated because one can keep cash balances in hand, in anticipation of future expenses. At all times, all money is actually idle in someone's account.

I can value a business to be worth $10M. But someone else might value it more/less than $10M. Does that mean there is no universal representation of the value of something?

Economic value is subjective, or at least subjective for all practical purposes. Willingness to pay is probably the best way we have to measure how much we value something. Although complications arise when we try to compare how much different people value something based on their willingness to pay, because different people have different budget constraints to begin with, and also diminishing marginal utility of money.

Jajk 2y30

Thanks a lot for writing this. I am lurking in this site for quite sometime, and what impressed me the most is how many posts are here for how to learn new things, and what to learn. Some of the textbook recommendations will be very helpful.