It must be something like that, but it still feels like there's a hole there. The query is for "ASL", not "Hands", and these images don't look like something from a protest. The top left might be vaguely similar to some kind of street gesture.
I'm curious what the role of the query writer is. Can you ask DALL-E for "this scene, but with black skin colour"? I got a sense that updating areas was possible but inconsistent. Could DALL-E learn to return more of X to a given person by receiving feedback? I really don't know how complicated the process gets.
I'm curious why this prompt resulted in overwhelmingly black looking hands. Especially considering that all the other prompts I see result in white subjects being represented. Any theories?
Hi David,
Thanks for writing this. I have read it all and you make good points, although I will point out that if you want rapid responses be aware that the length put me off reading it for a few days.
I'll give you a few scattered notes in response. Bear in mind that by far the most common sentiment was broad agreement, even if the points will nitpick possible disagreements.