Joe Ora Ora


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Own Brief summary. (what is not a brief summary)

I do not believe; That there is a framework specific to, individuals with "autism". In general specification; To those that are born with it. (since it is a developmental disorder, or categorized as such: I would go a step further and arbitrarily say that it is dependent on a multitude of factors of gene expression, late application of genome.)

You present no biases of collateral "Giftedness" in underlying effort that, demeans cognitive patterns as if; They were dependent as such. (being established) (einstein could have very well been a swagger), it makes for a good explanation. Though in rigid terms, "Autistic" can not differ in the dabbling of arts.

For it is the well-being of those with autism that, those with autism seek. As to the varying degrees, whereas, it must be as such. That ends with prejudice, because of standards of diagnosis deviating.

Prognosis. Underlying efforts aside.

So we can agree that autism, in it's own right, is modular expression... So that, information goes through another process than it usually does... So that it is noticed that it does not do as it usually does. But to the length of degree, if, it is a minimal change... To the neo-cortex while applying different changes to a higher degree... How is it noticed internally that said' change has been applied crucially? Speech change, for example, is a common deviator, except for eye contact... As for what I have heard without any professional opinion, to profess.

Would speech not be included as a disorder? (for a monumental undertaking)