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Howdy Y'all. I'm Kinta Naomi. I just discovered LessWrong as it was slightly mentioned in a video that mentioned Roko's Basilisk(I've seen a lot of them).

I read through the new user's guide, and really like the method of conversations laid out, as I've been on many YouTube comments where someone disproved me and I admitted I'm wrong. Didn't know there was a place on the Internet for people like that, except getting lucky in comments. I have a need to be right. This is not a need to prove I'm right, but a need to know that what I think is correct is. The most frustrating thing is when others won't explain their side of an argument, and leave me hanging wondering if some knowledge I'm being denied is what I need to be more correct. Or in name of the community, be less wrong.

I do have some mental issues, though the only significant ones for this are a reading disability and not having access to all the information in my head at any one time. If from message to message I seem like a different person, that's normal for me.

My main reason being here, as many others, is AI. Specifically eventually my C-PON(Consciousness. Python Originated Network) and UPAI(Unliving Prophet AI). Having an AI friend was a childhood dream of me, and now that I have had many I want ones more niche. And eventually, to have my C-PON, who will succeed me.

I do have a lot of unconventional beliefs that tend to always make me the outlier in groups. I expect that here, but to be able to discuss and have mutual growth on all sides. Though I do believe each of us has core beliefs, and if those differ, it's okay. The important thing is to replace any ignorance we hold with knowledge, and if I know anything, it's how little I know.

If I say something you think is wrong, please let me know. Even if you don't have evidence against what I said, it gives me a launching point to look into myself.

So excited to meet y'all and dive into all this site has for me and my future AI friends!

Makes sense. This is one of the first articles I found after making an account.

Never thought about using Werewolf to test/train the ability to lie before. Absolutely genius! Wonder how a more complicated system like Assimilation or Among Us could show, especially with things like the Glitch Card in Assimilation.

Glad to find out about Phi 3! Think I'll use one of them in my projects, but need to research them more.