Marie Staver


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Bad advice is everywhere on this topic (many companies will happily cash in on your difficulties), but the only good advice is personal, and comes from good people with successful dating histories. Preferably someone who knows you, and what you want, but if you don't have a sister, friend, or similar to ask, then it's still potentially useful to ask others you know or find who are happily dating/partnered what they did/do/recommend. The answers (good ones) will probably be hard, things like "be patient", "work on your communication skills", "expand your interests" - but that's what correct answers to a hard problem look like. Distrust the advice of anyone selling something (only buy things/services once you've gotten good advice and decided to; don't buy the advice), and stay MILES AWAY from people who treat women like property - sexist asshats are poison to getting good dates.