Marius Adrian Nicoară

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This seems like an introduction to the topic. enough to get the curiosity boiling.

Looking at the convergent instrumental goals

  • self preservation
  • goal preservation
  • resource acquisition
  • self improvement

I think some are more important than others. 

There is the argument that in order to predict the actions of a superintelligent agent you need to be as intelligent as it is. It would follow that an AI might not be able to predict if its goal will be preserved or not by self improvement. 

But I think it can have high confidence that self improvement will help with self preservation and resource acquisition. And those gains will be helpful with any new goal it might decide to have. So self improvement would not seem to be such a bad idea.

>Are those your musings about agents questioning their assumptions and word-views?
- Yes, these are my musings about agents questioning their assumptions and world-views.

>And like, do you wish to improve your fallacies?
- I want get better at avoiding fallacies. What I desire for myself I also desire for AI. As Marvin Minsky put it: "Will robots inherit the Earth? Yes, but they will be our children." 

>higher threshold than ability, like inherent desire/optimisation? 
What kind of stability? Any from I'd focus more on sort of non-fatal influence. Should the property be more about the alg being careful/cautious?
- I was thinking of stability in terms of avoiding infinite regress, as illustrated by Jonas noticing the endless sequence of metaphorical whale bellies.

Philosopher Gabriel Liiceanu in his book "Despre limită" (English:  Concerning limit - unfortunately, no English version seems to be available) argues that we fell lost when we loose our landmark-limit i.e. in the desert/in the middle of the ocean on a cloudy night with no navigational tools.  I would say that we can also get lost in our mental landscape and thus be unable to decide which goal to pursue. 

Consider the paperclip maximizing algorithm: once it has turned all available matter in the Universe into paperclips, what will it do? And if the algorithm can predict that it will reach this confusing state, does it decide to continue the paperclip optimization? As a Buddhist saying goes: "When you get what you desire, you become a different person. Consider becoming that version of yourself first and you might find that you no longer need the object of your desires.".

Waited fo 20 minutes and no one showed up. Better luck next time, I guess.

Because no one has signed up, this event will not be held.

Nobody signed up, so the event will not take place.

For the category Research/Studying, I recommend the series "Understanding Medical Research: Your Facebook Friend is Wrong" by F. Perry Wilson. Bite-sized videos explaining how to approach medical research people.

Last updated July 30 2020, so hopefully it reached many people during those confusing times and helped them strenghten their intellectual self defense. I wish I found out about it sooner, so that I could have recommended it earlier.


How did the event go?

Any plans to organize a meetup this year?

I'm planning to host a meetup in Sibiu this summer, because I haven't seen an event scheduled here. Any advice? I'm also planning to host a meetup in Cluj-Napoca this year, if it's not announced by someone else

Kind regards, Marius Nicoară

Hello, I'm Marius, an embedded SW developer looking to pivot into AI and machine learning.

I've read the Sequences and am reading ACX somewhat regularly.

Looking forward to a fruitful discussions.

Best wishes,
Marius Nicoară