
Wikitag Contributions


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The location has been booked and confirmed, we'll be in Queens by the 36 Ave N/W stop! Now that we have more signups and that the Solstice location has been booked (Solstice facebook event, eventbrite), it seemed like we would in fact have enough people to justify the same location as last year. (Alternate locations in the running had restrictions against events or were locationally inconvenient...there aren't a ton of large houses available for rent.) I've updated the city on this event page, the full address is on the Facebook event page, and I'll be sending out an email to everyone who registered with more details. The Solstice location is also off the W line (at 28th St) so that should be an easy trip.

I'll try to update the info in all the relevant places as the information comes in, including in comments here -- the Facebook event should also provide a notification when it's updated, I think. The location finalization might happen near the same time that the sleepover registration closes, though. If you'd like to register conditional on neighborhood selection, if you make that note in the comments section then I'll consider you in or out based on how the location search goes.

The location will be update as the event gets closer. The house size will be dependent on the number of people attending, and we haven't nailed down a location for Secular Solstice (we're hoping to make the Megameetup-Solstice transportation a little easier this year, if possible). Last year the house was in Queens, currently either that same house, or some options in Brooklyn or Jersey City (only considering locations very accessible to Manhattan, i.e. around Grove St) look particularly attractive.

I haven't tried it, but this looks like it could be useful for that project: