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  • Handle: MichaelBone
  • Name: Michael Bone
  • Location: Toronto, ON
  • Age: 25
  • Education: Bachelor of Design, currently studying cognitive science and AI.

I find minds to be the most beautiful objects in the known universe; at once, natural and artifact, localized and distributed, intuitively clear and epistemically ephemeral the mind continually beguiles, delights and terrifies me. Of particular personal interest is a mind's propensity and capability for creativity and, separately, wisdom.

Like the majority of artists, I dream of creating beautiful and profound reflections of reality through a human lens. I believe the creation of a mind would be the ultimate expression of this desire.

Like the majority of parents, I dream of my creation surpassing me in all aspects. I believe the design of a mind could be the ultimate expression of this desire.

But a mind is no passive statue or oil painting. The very dynamic nature of the mind that makes it so beautiful also implies grave ethical concerns both for humanity and for the artificial intelligence itself (a subject I am sure you're all familiar with).

It is in ethical decisions that rationality is most needed, and yet least practiced: where one is continually admonished to follow one's “gut” and not one's “brain”. As such, rationality as it pertains to ethics is my primary concern.

As far as contributing goes, I don't imagine that I'm yet expert enough on any particular topic to be of much use, but I have been reading up on the wisdom literature with the intention of tying cognitive mechanisms associated with wisdom to concepts in machine learning, so there is some hope...