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Hullo everyone

It's nice to be here. I think. I'm not quite sure about any of this but, hope to be able to understand it someday. If not soon. Hopefully this site will be able to broaden my mind and help with my dismal opinion of the world and it's people as of late.

My name is Tamiko, or Miko if you prefer. I have been living in Southern California for the last 12 years and am currently 17 and a half years old. Recently I have been reading a certain fan-fic called Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. That is what lead me to this site. What pulled me in though is the concepts that this site promoted. I want the truth and all it entitles. I am curious and will not be satisfied until I have the answers to most if not almost all of my inquiries.

I hope we can all work together to make this world better. Thank you all for your time.